Archive for December 3rd, 2009

This was a dream.

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Once we even saw something as big as the palace touch down, to either let somebody on, to let somebody off, whatever it was it took barely a moment.
two boys
there was a lot of people on the mission to start
the two fat women who were there when it was over
dads flat
old house
the statue of liberty and the neverhand
the lego puzzle
the mission to get the man
the falling through the floor, through the fans to the abyss
losing everyone from the boat, but the boat wasn’t the palance, the boat was smaller
everyone was frozen to ice and killed
reminded me of the wizard of oz
it wa beautiful

I was dreaming I was lucid dreaming, walking down the road, in the dream I was walking in reality, but I was asleep too, lucid sleepwalking, I’ve had a few days that’ve felt like that… Walking where I knew I was walking, but seeing it differently, I guess. I walked to the alleyway at the end of the road where we used to live, and I picked up an unused cigarette from the floor and put it in my pocket, to prove it had happened, to remember by. Maybe this would have cropped up as an item later in the dream?
