Archive for November 30th, 2009

I piss myself off so much sometimes

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Fucking… Went to bed at 8:30am because I was sleepy, set my alarm nice and loud, woke up at 1:30pm to discover I’d turned the fucking thing off in my sleep. Peeled off the selotape and turned the volume knob on the speakers. WHY the hell would I do that. Everyone says “Oh it must’ve been a concious decision” and mum said “Why am I always the one who has to wake you up!”

Like I wanted to oversleep. I am fucking annoyed at myself. -_-

Maybe I’ll record myself through the webcam, see what the hell I do, if I’m concious or not.Maybe it’d motivate me to NOT fuck up.

Maybe I should go to a 10pm-7am pattern and hold it for a few days, adjust properly and then try this again, maybe the sleep deprivation would kick in properly instead of this adrenaline high I seem to be on right now, where I rarely get sleepy, but once I’m out, I’m totally gone.

Day 6

Monday, November 30th, 2009

One thing about this sleep pattern, days seem amazingly long. I had a shower yesterday morning and it feels like 3 days ago, did I really post the blog about the dream less than 24hrs ago? I guess it’s because I’ve got no solid beginning or end to my days.

My pattern got screwed up today, I overslept slightly, from 10:00-11:00am, I must’ve turned my alarm off in my sleep or something… My screen was on when I woke up and the knob on my speakers was turned right down. I need to put more tape over it, but everything always goes missing the moment you need it…

The next nap was an hour earlier than it should have been (14:00-14:30), that was the one where I dreamt, then I skipped the one at 15:00 because I’d just slept, and ended up missing the one at 19:00 as my brother was here and nobody would leave me alone. I dozed at 22:00 instead of 23:00 (Because I figured I was an hour behind anyway) then again at 2am instead of 3am (But didn’t manage to sleep). 7am is the next nap then I’m back on the planned timetable, which I’m gonna try and stick too more rigidly.

It seems to be that I have an easier time sleeping during the day, which is odd. But I am used to being up at night and then sleeping half the day away. That Steve guy who did this said he slept better with a dim lamp on in his room. I need a lamp in here, and if it’s just a nightlight it doesn’t make much difference to me, if I wanna read, I’ll turn the big light on, just need it so I can walk from the lightswitch to the bed without falling over.

Those sunjars look pretty shiny, maybe I’ll try for one of those. I think I’ll also rearrange my bedroom today. I was trying to nap earlier, and I had a few interesting revelations, both about the layout in here, and about other things.

I also changed my alarm from 30 to 25 minutes.