I piss myself off so much sometimes

Fucking… Went to bed at 8:30am because I was sleepy, set my alarm nice and loud, woke up at 1:30pm to discover I’d turned the fucking thing off in my sleep. Peeled off the selotape and turned the volume knob on the speakers. WHY the hell would I do that. Everyone says “Oh it must’ve been a concious decision” and mum said “Why am I always the one who has to wake you up!”

Like I wanted to oversleep. I am fucking annoyed at myself. -_-

Maybe I’ll record myself through the webcam, see what the hell I do, if I’m concious or not.Maybe it’d motivate me to NOT fuck up.

Maybe I should go to a 10pm-7am pattern and hold it for a few days, adjust properly and then try this again, maybe the sleep deprivation would kick in properly instead of this adrenaline high I seem to be on right now, where I rarely get sleepy, but once I’m out, I’m totally gone.


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