Posts Tagged ‘IT’S A SHOTGUN BABY’

Polyphasic Alarm Clock

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

This is the alarm clock I made to wake me up after a nap, I always sleep in the same room as my computer, so it works well. It’s written with Autohotkey, which you can download at the link.

The script itself is available here ( DOWNLOAD )

You have to edit in your own music file, at the moment, for me, it plays this.

When you press the hotkey (Defaults to alt-gr) A message box pops up asking you if you’d like to set the alarm, if you click yes, another message box appears telling you the time the alarm will go off. By default, it goes off after 30 minutes, as long as you leave the messagebox open, as it goes off it also locks the computer until you type in your login password, making it difficult to switch off in your sleep.