Archive for March 13th, 2011


Sunday, March 13th, 2011

Dream was based on a book I’d read. :p Paladin had just come through the town, there was talk of recruitment to the army but she passed straight through, she’d been here before but there was nobody she recognised. On the outskirts of town she found where several men had died fighting a demon, the demons were on the ground but the men were laid out on a stone. She touched the bodies and the armour fell off leaving nothing but a helmet. That done, she moved on. It was a lovely series of still images with no text. Looking at the bodies, walking up to, touching, turning, walking away as the armour falls. leaving a couple of stunned people behind.

Also I dropped the book half way through and lost my place so I’m not sure where the demons came from and the page about recruitment got lost.

It then moved onto this, set in the town.

Two men who were once animals, but now they’re sort-of humans. They’re adjusting and it’s widespread enough that the town they’re in is putting up with it. They’re basically living in a hovel.

The pre-cursor conversation to this was something like, “did you hear, the light came through the town earlier” “I did, but she is gone again now”

animal: My friend, we should eat this delicious hot food (He turns around from the stove, a big bowl of stew in his hands)
badger: I know, veggie, I cannot yet get used to this hot food
animal: There is also bread, it is warm like the food (he waves the bread)
badger: I like bread (he looks at the normal little cat who is sleeping in a basket on the table)
badger: the cat also likes the hot food, I see he also now has a bed
animal: yes, I saw it for sale in a shop and I thought I would buy it, people buy beds for their cats.
animal: the version cat is now tries to talk to it, they set up a terrible yowling. (He smiles)

Then I woke up, the last line stuck with me.